首先,沿锦秀大街的狭长方向将场地再细分化,形成 5 条异质的带状空间,靠近锦秀大街的两带分别用“田之带”与“水之带”表现开敞、明亮的地域特征,其后用“绿之带”将健身空间的利用功能与城市景观节点的观赏功能分开,最后又由西北两侧的“林之带”构成广场的绿色屏障。在这里,开、分、透——构筑了场所空间的时与序。其次,穿插在绿丛中的弧形墙及 20 米高的钢柱,打破了过于规整的空间构成,寓意敖包礼仪的精神内涵。由低渐高的曲墙、高矮变化的开窗、宽窄不一的门洞,均凝聚着场所空间相互交融、渗透的一种期盼。在这里,围、闭、通——整合了场所空间的板与昧(mei)。最后,采用 3 横 5 纵的路网,将场地有机的贯穿,在满足市民便捷利用的同时,强化空间的导向和次序。斜中轴线强调主场所的存在,屋顶平台的设置为游人创造了俯视全园的可能。在这里,连、隔、汇——开通了场所空间的动与聚。
条状的种植界定了地表表情的差异,勾画旱生地被的潜在魅力;机切刨槽花岗岩铺砌,阳光中变化的“万花筒”;乡土河柳及林下旱生花境,地域印象的“演义”;灰红相间的烧结砖,编织着民族图案的意向;看似乱无章法的散植乔木,不失场所空间的规整;按年龄段设置的健身器具,合理便捷与功能布局的考量;落差的溢水,动静水面的诠释;博乐红石板的叠砌,乡土情结中的新潮;手工开凿的圆石盘,偶遇中的极品; 6 座透而不堵的萌芽构架,空旷中的充实;4 组斜交种植池,竖横中的互补;长条石凳与拉丝钢管,简约中的较量;凹凸变化的侧壁,统一中的强化。这里希望通过开/闭,透/封,通/堵,敝/围……的设计语言,尝试构筑场所「界定 & 连续」的空间形态。
设计单位:R-land 北京源树景观规划设计事务所
方案设计:章俊华 中原恭惠 咸光珉 王宏禄
扩初设计:章俊华 白祖华 王朝举 张鹏 王宏禄
施工设计:章俊华 胡海波 于沣 马爽 杨晓辉
电气、水专业:杨春明 徐飞飞 李松平 侯书伟
建筑设计:许建强 杜宏伟
设计时间:2012 年 4 月——2012 年 6 月
竣工时间:2013 年 5 月
Xinjiang Bole Jinxiu Fitness Square:
The Square is divided into several miscellaneous yet distinctive spaces following the direction of Jinxiu Street which is long and narrow.
Two separate spaces are located near Jinxiu Street. They are referred to as the "Field
Area" and the "Water Area". These two areas display. bright and open features illuminating regional aspects.
A further area known as the "Green Area" has been created for the distinct purpose of separating a space created for fitness activities and an area of ornamental botanical significance within the Square.
Finally a "Forest Area" is located at the northern and western ends of the Square forming a green screen for the Square. This "Forest Area" gives an openness and
transparency to the Square whilst imparting a separation aspect as well.
Curved walls and 20 metre high steel columns are interspersed throughout the grassed areas breaking the spaced composition of the area in a reflection of the Oboya etiquette. The curved walls vary in size from high to low and incorporate windows of various sizes and openings with various widths and heights. The whole ambience of this area encourages people to intermingle, relax and contemplate yet also pass through.
The walkways throughout the Square are obliquely located and consist of three transverse and five perpendicular patterned pathways that seek to reflect and introduce the botanical ambience of the Square yet still provide a convenient transit of the Square.
Finally, a roof platform has created the possibility to overlook the whole area and to create a connection yet separation from the open dynamics of the Square.